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What's a girl to do...

By 04:55 , , , , ,

Now by no means am I that person that only has one friend, and there is nothing bad about having one friend. In fact sometimes having a singular true friend is better than having to trim the fat and get rid of loads of toxic people from your life. I have multiple friends but my best mate, my ride or die, wifey for lifey is leaving me for two months whilst she goes to LA for pilot season; the trials and tribulations of actors...Sun, Sea, Sand and Hollywood.

In no way am I jealous...okay I might be a little jealous, but that is mostly because she will get to hang out in the sunshine whilst I’m left with the bitter cold. Additionally she has the chance to dip in the delicacy which is the American boy...no fair. Besides all that I’m at a bit of a loss as to what to do whilst she is gone. I mean Facetime is great and all but with the time difference alone it won’t be what I’m used to.

Maybe now is a great time to socialize more with my other friends and complete more of my goals for the New Year. I mean what’s two months, maybe I will take up knitting (doubt it). Maybe now is the time to get a boyfriend...hmmm where do young people go to meet other young people. I’m practically a Grandma, if my hobbies and ideas of relaxing are anything to go by. How do people organically extend their friendship circles? All of the friends have made over the years have been whilst I have been at school or uni. I am now a 20 year old woman in London, who has no real idea of ways to meet new people. Is that really sad or does anyone feel the same?

Sometimes when I’m stalking people on Instagram, as it’s one of my favourite past times I see so many people with so many different friends, is that a life they have created for social media or do they actually have that many friends. If so, maybe I’m not a social as I thought I was. But I like my small circle.

Maybe these next two months will give me the motivation to start crossing things of my bucket list, like writing a book, or becoming a superstar DJ. These 2 months could be the beginning of my origin story...

Here goes


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    Sharan | essehearts.com
