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The Big Chop

By 07:41 , , , , , , , , ,

Hey guys!!!!

How's it going. As I'm writing this I am jammin to some Jazmine Sullivan...What are you doing?

Anyway this post is one I am very excited about. It's about my hair. Now my nan has always been one of those people that believes your hair is your crowning glory blah blah blah. Now I love when my hair is looking fresh, but sometimes that is hard to do. I have in my time gone through a variety of hairstyles some that have looked great. Some that just look like a hot mess. But I have decided to share with you my abbreviated hair story from the last 6 months up until this point. As where I am right now is probably the happiest I have been in regards to my hair.

I don't know how long this post is going to be, but I am warning you now I can talk about hair for ages. Now the last 6 months....

This is my hair cut from around 6 months ago. I have been rocking short hair for about 4/5 years. This particular cut is like an updated version of the bowl cut. I love this look especially as its my own hair, but it is such a bugger to keep looking on #fleek. new growth is a pain in my butt, and hairdressers' ain't cheap, at least the good ones aren't.
-For those that don't know my hair isn't naturally straight and I have to use a chemical relaxer to straighten my hair. When I talk about new growth I refer to hair that grows with a kinky texture that is yet to be straightened.

Any ways I get bored of my hair super quick and Winter was fast approaching so I decided to do something new that would protect my hair from the elements. So I went for, what most black girls go for....WEAVE!!!!. Now I have had weave once before and it was a nightmare but I thought second time lucky...

 So this is what my weave looked like whilst it was still fresh. Now this wasn't a permanent solution for me so I didn't spend money on get 20" Peruvian, Malaysian or Brazilian hair. I jut got this from a shop down in Peckham, I spent about £20 on each packet. And I had one 10" bundle and one 12" bundle for shoulder length hair. As much as I loved having hair I could flick, and curl it wasn't for me and looked like a rats nest 3 weeks. I think it's official weave isn't for me.

The next look I tried to accomplish was box braids. I have a peanut head so braids probably aren't the best option for me, but by this time my hair was really damaged and had started to break so I thought braids would help. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of myself with braids but let me tell you it was soooo bad. It was BAD. My hair breakage was so bad at that point that my braids looked like a hot mess and had to get them redone much earlier then normal, meaning I spent a lot of mula!!!.

Once the braids came out over the festive period I decided to do my big chop. And shave it all off, and get rid of the chemically damaged hair and go back to my natural state. One of the reasons I decided to do this is because, my hair needed a break and with natural hair I can do a lot more with out worrying so much about it's condition.

In preparation for my big chop I started sale shopping with my new hair style in mind, which you can read more about here.

But any way before the big chop I had to get myself ready, eyebrows on fleek, nails on point. 

 Ok now these pictures are far from flattering but they show what state my hair was in before being tended to. The top of my head had a lot of breakage as well as the back. I guess that what I get for wetting my hair everyday and slicking it down.

 Please don't judge me from this photo. I look mad as hell and my lips are dry but I had to document this for you guys. So here is what I looked like after the majority of my hair was shaved off.

Since I was cutting my hair I thought why not go for the whole hog and colour it as well, as can be seen in the video above.

The end results looked like this.....

OMG I'm a blonde. So now it's time to test out the theory to see if blondes have more fun. I am really really happy with my hair and so far it has been the easiest to maintain. I have to keep up with eyebrows, nails and eyelashes in fear of looking like Sisqo circa 1999. At the moment, I'm not too far off that bald and bold barbie doll

And just wanted to give a shout out to my hairdresser Carl, who is an awesome guy. He makes me laugh and has wanted me to cut my hair for ages. Believe me girls he knows what he is doing which is why I follow him to what ever salon he goes to. I know one day this man will have his own salon and be well renowned for hair

@carlshair on Instagram

Let me know what you think of my new look.

Deuces xxx

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