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Week 1- Kickboxing...is kicking my ass!!!

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So this blog post I hope will be interesting...As I mentioned on a previous post I recently started a kickboxing class that lasts for 6 weeks including 3x1hour lessons a week. I was fortunate to find this class on Groupon for £58 (Yay for cheap thrills). Besides the awesomely low price the other reasons I decided to start kickboxing, include it being close to work meaning I have no excuses no to go. It gets me out of bed on Saturday and I get the opportunity to be graded at the end of the 6 weeks which I could potentially be a white belt and soon on my way to kicking asses and taking names. For now though that's a long long way away and as this blog post suggests at the moment kick boxing is kicking my ass.

I had my first lesson on Monday, and let me tell you I have never sweated so hard in my life and that was just after the 10 minute warmup. I who have no current level of fitness and don't believe in the gym, finding it to be some masochistic self torture chamber that people pay to attend, was sweating after the first set of star jumps. But thats okay, I have been ensured as the weeks go on I will improve. So here's to hoping. The first lesson was awesome and we learnt the left straight punch , right jab, front kick and probably the most important tool...ducking. Now I personally believe I'm a lover not a fighter (yeah right) but if I were in a real fight I probably would just try and avoid being hit all costs. Anyway the class was really good and a great way to meet other like minded people all with the hopes of getting fit in the new year. The only thing I could have done without are the push ups of which I only managed about one , and even then I'm not even sure if that counted.

Lesson two took place on Wednesday and by this time my body was in pure agony begging to be relieved. It hurt to stand up, it hurt to sit down, and now you know why I don't believe in paying a monthly membership for this. At least with the pain I'm feeling it came at a discount, but on wards and upwards. Lesson 2 consisted of another exhausting warm up, this time with added elements such as burpees which I was in no way ready for, leg swings and a whole bunch of other stuff. Tiring, yes. Worth it, oh yes. By the end of Lesson 2, I had added on to my ever expanding skill set a left hook and roundhouse kick. I think part of me is just itching to get in a fight now to show my new fighting skills, how effective they would be, I don't know. By the end of lesson two the pain in my body started to ease up and I felt like I could take on the world.

Lesson three and the final lesson of the week took place on Saturday, and was not what I expected. The class numbers diminished significantly, but I guess most people have actual plans on a Saturday unlike me but I guess it worked in my favour as there was more opportunity for the multiple instructors to tell me everything I was doing wrong. Now I might sound ungrateful, and truly I'm not, but there's only so many times you can tell me to lift my leg higher, push myself harder when I feel about ready to collapse. No new moves learnt but I do believe I have mastered the burpee...still have to perfect those lunge jumps and squat jumps though.

It's now late Sunday evening and I am raring to go for the next 5 weeks. Who know I might even take up doing burpees at home. In the meantime I hope to keep you updated...that is if you actually care

Auf Wiedersehen

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