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Fashion Interiors Food - Follow for Follow Back

Hello Everybody...Hi Dr Nick!!!

By 03:37 ,

Hello Everybody out there on the internet.

Welcome to my blog FIF- Fashion, Interiors and Food. My name is Courtnie for all of you who actually care. This isn't my first time trying to do a blog, but hopefully this one would be more of a success then my previous attempts....and when I say success I refer to my actually posting and uploading of content rather then followers. Do not fear I am not a fame whore...I think.

Hmmm.....what to say, well I guess it always help if you know a little bit about me. I am currently a PR and Marketing intern at menswear brand Ben Sherman. I am on a placement year at the moment and in September 2015 I will be heading back to Bournemouth uni. I am currently studying PR and when I actually make it to lectures and seminars I do enjoy it.

Hobbies.....hmmm well my favorite hobbies include sleeping and eating. I always say if sleeping was an Olympic sport, I would win gold every time. I love love love food. My favorite meat is pork, in any form; bacon, pork chops, ribs, pulled pork...everything. I even like my pig tails in my stew peas...if your from the Caribbean you will understand what I am saying.

What else is there to know....I'm an avid bargain hunter. The cheaper I can get something the better. And that's not to say I prefer quantity of quality, but with how quickly fashion changes I don't see the point in spending a massive amount of money that I don't have something I will only where a couple of times. In the words of Heidi Klum "One day your in and the next day your out". I am still trying to motivate myself to spend more on quality classics, but at the moment I am still happy with my bargain basement finds. Cheap finds will probably be a recurring theme you see throughout this blog.

I will stop boring you for now...but stay tuned for my next post.


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