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Fatty...nah I'm a Foody

By 05:26 , , , , , , ,

Hey guys,

I know it been longer then a week since my last update but I have been sick with a cold *cough cough* and have been confined to my bed. Sleeping the flu away.

But now I'm back and better then ever. (That sounds like the tag line of a really cheesy movie sequel).

I thought I would update you guys on what I have been up to. Which has mostly been moping around...and eating...a lot. My most recent culinary adventure has taken me to Meat Market in Covent Garden. Now I know I might be a bit late to this party but Oh My Gawd. Lawwwwd this food is good. As part of the Meat Liquor franchise I had heard many good things so my expectations were high, and I can happily say Meat Market did not disappoint.

Hidden away above Covent Garden market, this narrow little restaurant is a gem. The decor in the restaurant almost took on the feel of a traditional American diner on crack and a dive bar. Tres Chic. But seriously there was always something to keep your eyes flitting from one place to another.

Now moving on from ambience and decor blah blah blah, let's talk about the important stuff aka 'The Menu'. Now I love me a burger, I love me a hot dog. But this menu made it particularly hard to choose. So little time and so much to eat. As you can see from the picture below there is a large selection to choose from all great in there own way.

In the end I went for the Ripper hot dog which consists of a deep fried bacon wrapped frankfurter, danish sauce, mustard, spicy relish and onions. Intense I know, for my sides I split a bag of deep fried Mac'n'Cheese with a friend and a refillable soda...Boy was it good.

The pictures don't do it justice, but I am trying to take all my own photos, and working with an iPhone camera isn't preferred, but you got to work with what you got.

After this feast I was still hungry...as I always am and so went for the deep fried pickles with a blue cheese dip. Not the most healthiest of choices. And I know everything I ate has some deep fried element to it, but what can I say...I luuuurve me some grease.

Doesn't help with the whole keeping fit thing though....oops

Let me know if you have any interesting places to eat. I would love to give it a go.

Chow for now


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