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Juicing...First attempt

By 16:19 , , , ,


Now this is probably something of a recurring theme, and I did mention this in my first post I am sure but I am a bargain hunter, and it's probably a trait I inherited from my mother. Thanks to the January sales the bargain hunter in me was able to sniff out a Salter whole fruit juicer for £24.99 at Morrisons, yes right that little grandma supermarket, which normally retails for £70.00. She shoots...she scores!!! And the crowd go wild. But anyway this little juicer is a beaut but unfortunately has been sitting in m kitchen for the last week or so. Finally tonight was the night.

In preparation of using the juicer, fruit had been bought including apples, frozen berries, oranges, ginger and carrots. But to start of simple I decided to go for a apple, orange, carrot and ginger concoction.

Then starts all the fun, the juicing. I was surprised by how much waste is produced by the juicer, as can be seen in the picture below but the end juice was really nice. I ended up only using on chunk of the ginger I had prepared which was thankfully the right decision as the end product was quite spicy, but I love me some spice. I topped up the juice with some pineapple juice to help take some of the edge off. 

I'm excited to continue my juicing journey (throw in some alliteration for you) and hope to include some more recipes the more adventurous I become. If you have any suggestions please do share.


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