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New Years Resolutions....pfft yeah right

By 16:38 , , , , ,

Hi everyone out there in blogger land, this is your captain speaking. I joke, I joke.

Anyway 2015 is well underway with January being almost over but I thought I would do a post on new years resolutions anyway...because why not. So in all the previous 20 years of my life I have not been one to stick to any resolution I have made. "This year I'm gonna get fit" to "This year I'm gonna save money". Once again I am hoping this year will be different for a variety of reasons.

2015 is the year where I turn 21. When I was younger I always thought that 21 was the perfect age. I thought at 21 I would have a car, a nice income, a boyfriend, an awesome designer wardrobe blah blah blah. But alas my life has not worked out to be that way. I still have a few months to make that happen, but so far I am not on track. I failed my theory test by 3 points two years ago and haven't been behind the wheel of a car since. I have a very moderate income considering I am a student on an interns wage, thank God for that student loan. My non-existent love life has basically been lacking since I can remember. I have been on one date in the last two years, but that's a story for another time. And finally my designer wardrobe...well I have a few designer pieces in my wardrobe that have all been gifts from my dads very generous boss, but unfortunately aren't items that can be worn everyday. So my youthful ideas of what being 21 are like haven't come to fruition, but there is still hope.

Anyway the year of 2015 will be my year (I won't hold my breath). I didn't start of so well, so I decided my new year would started on the 18th of January. Which was great for me as it meant I had more time to eat all the chocolate, greasy kebabs and junk food I wanted. It also meant I had three extra weekends of sleeping all day watching movies on my laptop and only moving when I needed to pee. It got 2 and half weeks extra of being a skinny fat girl slob but something has got to change.

So starting from my new year I plan to get fit, so that I am no longer huffing and puffing for my entire 30min journey home after running for my train. I would like to save some money so that when I go to uni I am not completely broke. I would like to eat healthier, which is going to be super hard considering the relationship I have with cheese hmmmmm. And finally I would like to do something productive with my weekends rather then sleeping, even though I do love it.

How will achieve all these goals you ask (even if you haven't I will tell you anyway). 1 Fitness; thanks to my bargain hunting savvy I have  found a six week kickboxing class on Groupon for £58. £58 for six weeks you say,why yes I do and that includes 3x 1hour lessons a week and a grading at the end of the course in which I could potentially earn a white belt. To find out more please look out for my future kickboxing posts. 

2 Money; Has anyone else found that when you were younger you used to be really tight with money and as you got older you spend your money like your playing Monopoly? I have given myself a goal of saving £300 a month for the remainder of placement, but then I remember I love shopping so we will see how that goes. 

3 Healthy eating; Now I will be the first to acknowledge I will slip up in this area, I already have unless have 2 Twix's for breakfast is healthy, but I plan to start to juicing which you can read up on in future posts, and eating a lot more lean meats and veg like broccoli, just the thought scares me.

4 Productive weekends; Now this will be tricky because most of my hobbies involve money or being at home in my bed. Hopefully I can find a hobby that gets me out of bed in the morning and costs little to no money. I am open to suggestions...Please give me some ideas.

Okay I think I have bored you enough, but I hope you stop by again.

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  1. Good luck with your resolutions, I really want to make my evenings more productive as well!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty Blog

    1. Good luck with yours, its been a struggle to stay motivated but got to keep on pushing

      Following you on blogloving. Big fan of your style xx
