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Week 1- Kickboxing...is kicking my ass!!!
Juicing...First attempt
Balling on a Budget- Mini haul- January
Boobs for Days
Hello Everybody...Hi Dr Nick!!!
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Hi there. For anyone looking to get in touch please email me cashmanfif@gmail.com I look forward to hearing from you
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Holding on to the Goodies
This I promise will be a quick post, as opposed to my usual ramblings. If anything it's more of a question... Does anyone else buy ...
Career Crisis
Hi Everyone and welcome to F.I.F. I'm your host Courtnie.... Anyway this post I hope is something that's relevant to a few of you ...
New Years Resolutions....pfft yeah right
Hi everyone out there in blogger land, this is your captain speaking. I joke, I joke. Anyway 2015 is well underway with January being a...
The Liebster Award
Thank you soooooooooo much Esse Hearts for nominating me for the Liebster award. This is all relatively new to me and I have only been...
What's a girl to do...
Now by no means am I that person that only has one friend, and there is nothing bad about having one friend. In fact sometimes having a sin...
Boobs for Days
It's me again, that girl that rambles on for ages without really saying much. I just thought I would upload a post about one of my ...
Week 1- Kickboxing...is kicking my ass!!!
Howdy!!! So this blog post I hope will be interesting...As I mentioned on a previous post I recently started a kickboxing class that la...
Hello Everybody...Hi Dr Nick!!!
Hello Everybody out there on the internet. Welcome to my blog FIF- Fashion, Interiors and Food. My name is Courtnie for all of you...
Fatty...nah I'm a Foody
Hey guys, I know it been longer then a week since my last update but I have been sick with a cold *cough cough* and have been confined ...
Week 2-Kickboxing...Not so bad
Sorry for the delay in posts...its hard trying to balance life, work, social activities with sleep. Anyway week 2 of kickboxing, it fee...